What is CMSA?
The Case Management Society of America is the leading membership association providing professional collaboration across the healthcare continuum to advocate for patients’ wellbeing and improved health outcomes by fostering case management growth and development, impacting health care policy, and providing evidence-based tools and resources.
The Case Management Society of America is the oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to delivery of care management services across practice settings and care models. CMSA provides educational, networking and professional resources for its members and seeks to connect case managers, products and service providers, consumers and policy makers to ensure optimal delivery of care management services. This site is focused on helping legislators and policy makers better understand the role case management plays in health care delivery and how to ensure patients receive the best care possible. Please visit www.cmsa.org for additional info.
How much does it cost to join CMSA?
Annual National Dues
Individual A – $170 plus $25 for each chapter
Case Manager Membership: Individuals engaged in the field of case
management. To qualify for this membership category, you must have a
health professional degree, current license or national certification in
the health or human services profession. Individual A members have full
voting privileges and are eligible to hold local, state/regional, and
national offices.
Please check www.cmsa.org for other categories
What is the local CMSA Chapter?
The local CMSA chapters are the building blocks of our association. It is through community organized events and activities that many CMSA members are introduced to the opportunities available through CMSA. Our local chapter is the Hudson Valley Branch of CMSA. Local grassroot efforts also help support national CMSA initiatives by getting the word out to the public and local legislators. Through the local involvement of our 11,000 members, CMSA can continue to meet its mission to “positvely impact and improve patient wellbeing and health care outcomes.”
What is a Case/Care Manager?
Case/Care managers are advocates who help patients understand their current health status, what they can do about it and why those treatments are important. In this way, care managers are catalysts by guiding patients and providing cohesion to other professionals in the health care delivery team, enabling their clients to achieve goals more effectively and efficiently.
What is Case Management?
Case Management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost-effective outcomes.
Where Do Case Managers Work?
Case managers work in a variety of specialties, including health care, mental health care, addictions, long-term care, aging, HIV/AIDS, disabilities, occupational services, child welfare, and immigrant/refugee services. They are employed in the public, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors
What Kind of Training, Certification, or License Does a Case Manager Need?
Case managers come from a variety of professional backgrounds and disciplines—including social work, nursing, gerontology, to name a few. They need to understand how to both work with individuals and families and navigate complicated service systems. Case Managers are trained to help people in the context of their unique social environments and are distinctly prepared to offer care services. In fact, the social work profession grew out of early case management work in the early 20th century, and social workers have remained active in case management since that time.
Certification is available in case management and specialty areas of practice, such as gerontology. Knowing a case manager is certified can help you to feel confident that you are working with a skilled, well-trained professional.
Certification is the act of confirming that someone has met a certain set of predetermined criteria by the certifying body. Certification is recognized as an acceptable standard of practice by general consent of the population it certifies. To learn more about the various certifications available to case managers, click on the links below:
• A-CCC – Continuity of Care Certification—Advanced
• AAOHN – American Association of Occupational Health Nurses
• ABDA – American Board of Disability Analyst
• ACM – Accredited Case Manager
• AOCN – Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification
• CASWCM – Certified Advanced Social Work Case Manager
• CCM – Certified Case Manager
• CCP – Chronic Care Professional
• CCRNS – Certification in Critical Care Nursing
• CDMS – Certified Disability Management Specialist
• CMAC – Case Management Administrator Certification
• CMC – Care Manager Certified
• CMCN – Certified Managed Care Nurse
• CO – Certified Orthotist
• COHN – Certified Occupational Health Nurse
• CP – Certified Prosthetist
• CPO – Certified Prosthetist-Orthotist
• CPDM – Certified Professional in Disability Management
• CPHM – Certified Professional in Healthcare Management
• CPHQ – Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality
• CPON – Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse
• CRC – Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
• CRRN – Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse
• CSWCM – Certified Social Work Case Manager
• HCQM – Health Care Quality and Management
• ONC – Oncology Nursing Certification
• RN-BC – Registered Nurse, Board Certified
What is CMAG?
Case Management Adherence Guidelines are designed to help case managers aid in the assessment, planning, facilitation, and advocacy of patient adherence. They provide an interaction and management algorithm to assess and improve the patient’s knowledge and his/her motivation to take medications as they are prescribed. They also provide great flexibility in that a patient’s individual needs are taken into account.
What is CCM?
The CCM® is the first nationally accredited case manager credential. Case managers who have earned the Certified Case Manager (CCM) credential have the expertise, knowledge, and professional experience to provide the right services to patients with serious or complex medical conditions, and/or catastrophic injuries and illnesses. www.ccmcertification.org
What is ANCC?
American Nurse Credentialling Center is the world’s largest and most prestigious nurse credentialing organization, and a subsidiary of the American Nurses Association (ANA). www.nursecredentialing.org
What is CM-C (Care Manager, Certified)?
The purpose of the National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM) is to advance the quality of care management services by assuring individual competence to perform the full range of care management tasks through a validated, standardized examination that tests the skills, knowledge, and practice ethics needed to serve consumers. www.naccm.net
What is CSWCM (Certified Social Work Case Manager)?
Professional social workers assist individuals, groups, or communities to restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning, while creating societal conditions favorable to their goals. The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior, of social, economic and cultural institutions, and of the interaction of all these factors.